




  1. abseil的现在分词


abseiling可数 & 不可数,复数 abseilings

  1. 绕绳下降
    • 1977The New Yorker, 页号33:
      He pictured the abseiling, literally a flight down the mountain on the doubled cord of his long rope, and he thought that those hours speeding down the cliffs would be the finest of his life.
    • 1995New Scientist - Volume 145, 页号40:
      Greenpeace offers its supporters the chance to fund brave and glamorous adventures (inflatables pitted against whalers; abseilings against smokestacks), and in exchange to wear something very like the medieval pilgrim's token: to put a rainbow sticker in their car windows.
    • 2004,Marc Dubin, The Rough Guide to the Pyrenees, →ISBN, 页号464:
      Moderate ravines, with some drops requiring rope or prolonged swims, include Oscuros de Balce/s, Estrechos de Balce/s and Gorgoncho/n, all close to Bierge, while experts-only abysses above Rodellar include Gorgas Negras, Otin and Mascu/n Superior, all involving thirty-metre abseilings and strenuous clambering.
    • 2013,Marie Brennan, A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir by Lady Trent, →ISBN, 页号242:
      Between that and the abseiling, I think I left enough skin behind on those rocks to cover an entire second person.