



源自官话 屏东 (Píng Dōng)的威妥玛拼音罗马化:Pʻing² Tung¹


Ping Tung

  1. Pingtung 的另一种写法
    • 1967,Chen Kang Chai, Taiwan Aborigines: A Genetic Study of Tribal Variations[1]Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press, LCCN 67-10903, OCLC 857078899, OL 5534337M, 页号36:
      The Puyumas, a small, rather civilized tribe, live together with native Chinese in many villages around the city of Ping Tung.
    • 1991,Derek Walters, The Feng Shui Handbook[2]Thorsons, →ISBN, OCLC 1004916836, OL 8263989M, 页号183:
      At Ping Tung, a professional geomancer checks the alignment of a grave, to ensure that ancestors will rest happily
    • 1993 September,Paul A. Forbes, Using a Wargame to Explore the Effects of the Information Content of Messages on CVBG Anti-Air Warfare Defense[3]Naval Postgraduate School, OCLC 640608474, OL 25494714M, 页号53:
      After securing Ping Tung, Taiwan and Batan island regular air patrols have resumed. It has been noted that increasing ground activity was occurring around daybreak.
    • 2009,Billy Ray Wilson, Enough is Enough[4]AuthorHouse, →ISBN, LCCN 2009913000, OCLC 630561226, OL 31886842M, 页号122-123:
      My duty assignment was[...]Tasked the Wing’s Squadrons to provide aircrew members for ferry missions to the United States and Ping Tung, Taiwan.[...]Regarding the ferry missions to Ping Tung, Taiwan. The 3rd wing had one squadron of T-38 (F-5s) called the Aggressor Squadron.[...]The reason for the flights to Ping Tung was the contractor's location that painted the aircraft to soviet specifications.



  • IPA(帮助)/pinɡ tunɡ/
  • 断字:Ping Tung


Ping Tung(宾格 Ping Tung

  1. 屏东