


  1. 法语中的/l/是清音,类似西班牙语、德语的发音,与美国英语的 /l/ 有所不同。
  2. 欧洲法语中,/ɲ/常发作[nj]
  3. 法语的r音各地有差异,但一般是发小舌音。The more common pronunciations include a voiced uvular fricative [ʁ], a uvular trill [ʀ], and [χ] (after voiceless consonants).
  4. 欧洲法语中,/ŋ/,常发作[ŋɡ].
  5. /x/可能发作/ʁ/
  6. 欧洲法语中,/ɑ/一般发作/a/
  7. 欧洲法语中,/ɛː/一般发作/ɛ/;魁北克法语中,/ɛː/一般发作[aɛ̯]
  8. 法语中,/ə/一般发作圆唇的[ɵ̞]; for a number of speakers, it is also more front and may even be phonetically identical to the vowel of neuf [nœf]. In European French, [ə] is rounded and fronted, making it phonetically similar to [ø].
  9. In European French at least, /ɔ/ is partly unrounded, leading it to have somewhat of the quality of nut.
  10. 欧洲法语中,/ɑ̃/常发作较圆的[ɒ̃]。魁北克法语中,/ɑ̃/发作[ã]
  11. 欧洲法语中,/ɛ̃/实际发作[æ̃];魁北克法语中,/ɛ̃/发作[ẽ]
  12. 欧洲法语中,/œ̃/一般发作/ɛ̃/[æ̃]
  13. 欧洲法语中,/ɔ̃/实际发作[õ]
  14. Stress falls on the last full syllable of a phrase, except in emphatic speech.
  15. Used sparingly.
  16. Latent final consonant is pronounced before a following vowel sound.