



  • Tec


detective 的截断形式,对照'tec (侦探)



  1. (粉丝用语) 侦探漫画 美国漫画系列
    • 2006,Mark Voger, The Dark Age: Grim, Great & Gimmicky Post-Modern Comics:
      Of course, the Batman’s debut in Tec #27 is tame by comparison
    • 2014年8月1日,Chris Sims,“Ask Chris #205: The Worst Story From The Best Writer”,出自 ComicsAlliance[1]:
      Batman was, of course, meant to fill the role of its traditional contrast with Detective -- if 'Tec is about crime stories, then Batman is a full-on superhero adventure
    • 2018年2月28日,Brandon Mulholand,“Detective Comics #975 review”,出自 Batman News[2]:
      Couple all that with the fact that Alvaro Martinez is on art duty for this story (he’s been my favorite Tec artist since Rebirth started) and I think what you have here is a tale worth reading.
